The Beloved Gallery seems to be my current arena where I ponder life ... so to consider the phrase popular - there just aren't happenstance coincidences for their own sake, those moments of recognition that there is a connection throughout the Universe calling for those meetings, etc. which give insight or bring messages are actually what they seem - events, connections, meetings just filled with purpose.
A few people sitting in the Gallery, enthusiastically sharing ideas about drawing more people into the Gallery, using the Gallery, seeing it as a community center of sorts - and on and on, building upon the mounting feelings of connection - we noticed people just happening to come in at the perfect moment to help expand the ideas.

Two men, later to find out, local father and visiting son, were driving by and felt the need to come in. I imagine the two of them looking at each other and wondering what was calling to them. Turns out, the father is, among other things, a caterer of Texas bar-b-cue. We were talking about having a Farmers Market every Sat outside through the summer and who would want to become involved. Yes, we will have a member cooking delicious foods for the Market.
OK, I can see that it would be easy to explain this as just a mere coincidence ... except the experience happened a few more times, - people walking in at the right moment to add something - it was easy to recognize this as it was a slow day and those folks were the only people to come through the doors.
As we were closing up, a woman drove up and started in ... I said, maybe I should stick around to see what message she has for us, but didn't as it was 20 min or so after closing time. As I walked in the door at home, my partner told me she had received two messages from the Gallery that a woman walked in, looked at my jewelry and purchased an item, walked out and turned around, walked back in and bought another piece of my work, (I saw her at the door as I drove by and thought it interesting she was going back in).
OK, ok, what's the big deal? Want some more? I had been moaning that I hadn't sold anything in a long time, it seemed, - then we started talking about how wonderful it was we were so happy for all the artists involved in the Gallery when art was sold, didn't have to be ours sold to feel good - happy for the other artists ... then jumping into the all afternoon conversation about how to make the Gallery even more fun, etc... so I am choosing to interpret the turn of events as a very clear indication, once again, that feeling good, thinking about the good tidings for others and the expression of creativity through group dynamics acts like radio signals saying, "come on in and have a good time - there is a party going on - you are up for it and you have an opportunity to add something here, so join in".

How often have you heard something like that or a similar radio-like signal calling you? Did you answer? I am keeping my antenna aloft because I sure don't want to miss a good time.
1 comment:
I am always trying to keep my antenna up..enjoyed your blog..I try an be as positive as I can, makes for a happier life.
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