Saturday, March 29, 2008

Playing Nice - Another Day at the Beloved Pecos Gallery

Going along with my interest in getting more involved with artists and others in my community, I attended a business meeting at the local gallery this morning.

The meeting was exciting - even inspiring - here are a number of artists and other community people who are working together to help make the gallery a destination site (people coming here to little, beautiful, historical Pecos, NM from Santa Fe, etc.) and more so a community gathering place for art events, activities, workshops, - even a bingo afternoon once a month as a fun fundraiser. I am impressed and thrilled to be a part of this group. It's like getting together with giving, loving, kind people to play with and in the process add to the development of something important and fine.

I guess to simplify, the recipe for success and the way positive actions lead to positive results is to:

  • gather together

  • play nice

  • have fun

  • value each other and make sure to appreciate a wide view of perspectives

  • honor differences

  • and remember we are really all connected and equal.

Oh yeah, work together on a common goal.

That is also what I appreciate about as a community of artists, buyers and sellers - everyone seems ready to help each other. Microcosms as examples of how I choose to live.

1 comment:

Rosebud Collection said...

It is always nice when you have a group that have the same interests.
You can learn so much from each other, don't you think..